The Federal Reserve threatens the financial ruin of every man, woman, and child in America! Inflation has hit a 40 year high.

The last time inflation was this high was 1982 according to the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) calculation.

More people than ever are starting to realize that it’s no coincidence prices are going up, it’s the out-of-control spending by Congress enabled in whole by the Federal Reserve.

The good news is, my Audit the Fed Bill, introduced by U.S. Senator Rand Paul in the Senate and Rep. Thomas Massie in the House, would finally lift the veil of secrecy covering up the Fed’s actions.

If passed, Audit the Fed would finally show the American people the Federal Reserve System leads to constant economic crises and the destruction of our currency and the middle class.

I believe by gathering enough cosponsors to force Congress to bring Audit the Fed up for a vote you and I can get this done.

But only with your action today!

Please act at once.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul
Chairman, Campaign for Liberty

P.S. After signing, please consider a donation to Campaign for Liberty. Thank you. You can contribute online, or by mail if you prefer to PO Box 104, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 or call 703-865-7162.

Audit the Fed NOW!

Petition to my U.S. Senators and Representative

Whereas: Congress has the responsibility to force a public audit of the Federal Reserve, and the American people deserve to know what the Fed is doing with their money; and
Whereas: Allowing the Fed to remain out-of-control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued bankrupting of our nation through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank “loans;” and
Whereas: The U.S. is experiencing the highest consumer price inflation in at least 40 years because the Federal Reserve System forces prices upward with their reckless polices; and
Whereas: History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it;
Therefore: I urge you to cosponsor U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Representative Thomas Massie’s Audit the Fed Bills and do everything in your power to seek roll-call votes.
  • Sign my Directive: