TAKE MY SURVEY! DEEP STATE SURVEILLANCE SURVEY Today, our Constitution's Fourth Amendment – which protects American citizens' right to privacy from government – is hanging by a thread. Many Americans fear that once the "experts" in Washington, D.C. know how we live, it's only a matter of time until they start trying to "fix" us by telling us what we can and can't own, read, watch, think, listen to, and teach our kids and grandkids.QUESTION #1: Are you concerned about the Deep State collecting your emails, phone records, text messages, Internet searches, instant messages, online purchases, and Facebook posts? Yes No Undecided Court documents revealed earlier this year that the NSA illegally collected millions upon millions of phone call and message records on innocent Americans. As one Bloomberg News report stated, the NSA "deliberately ignored restrictions on their authority to spy on Americans multiple times in the past decade." Just since the lid was blown off our federal government's domestic surveillance programs in the summer of 2013, we've seen story after story hit the press regarding NSA abuses, including NSA employees spying on ex-lovers and spouses (a practice so common it became known as "LOVEINT"), refusing to say whether or not it's spied on members of Congress (which would destroy any ability for Congress to oversee the rogue agency), and effectively gutting attorney-client privilege by holding confidential records. QUESTION #2: Do you oppose the NSA carrying out mass surveillance of the American people? Yes No Undecided The so-called "USA Freedom" Act – a phony reform bill Congress passed to replace Section 215 of the "PATRIOT" Act – was supposed to "fix" the NSA's unconstitutional domestic spying procedures. Instead it did little more than put a fig leaf on the situation by instructing tech companies to act as the NSA's filing cabinet, handing over information on individuals whenever it was requested. QUESTION #3: Do you oppose reauthorization of the so-called "USA Freedom" Act? Yes No Undecided With the "USA Freedom Act" set to expire at the end of this year, this could be our best opportunity to strike a deathblow against Big Brother and restore the Fourth Amendment protections all law-abiding Americans deserve. But with the media firestorm brewing over impeachment and the ongoing fight over gun control, this fight could ignite at any minute. That's why Campaign for Liberty is counting on committed patriots like you to ensure we're always ready at a moment's notice.QUESTION #4: Will you invest at least $10 per month to help Campaign for Liberty strike a blow against the Deep State and stop their unconstitutional surveillance of Americans? Yes, I will give $10 a month! No, I can't commit to a monthly contribution right now. Δ