Sign the petition to STOP the “Great Reset!”


I AGREE! Under the guise of a so-called “Great Reset,” the Big Government elites are using the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution and usher in the Left’s entire socialist agenda!

To help Campaign for Liberty contact up to 10 million Americans to turn up the heat on members of Congress to say “NO!” to the so-called “Great Reset,”

I am urging my U.S. Representative and Senators to say “NO!” to the so-called “Great Reset” at every opportunity.

  • eSign Your Name Below:

Stop The Great Reset!

Petition to my U.S. Representative and Senators

Whereas: Authoritarian bureaucrats at all levels of government have been using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to run roughshod over our most basic liberties; and
Whereas: Whether it be mask mandates, forced quarantines, or the shutting down of businesses, churches, schools and gyms, the left is using COVID-19 to bring about ends that have absolutely nothing to do with the virus itself; and
Whereas: Staying true to their mantra of “never let a good crisis go to waste,” the Big Government elites are now hoping to go one step further and use the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution and usher in the Left’s entire socialist agenda; and
Whereas: “The Great Reset” is the guise they’re attempting to use bring about their utopian socialist society;
Therefore: I urge you to say “NO!” to the so-called “Great Reset” at every opportunity..