Whereas: |
The Second Amendment prohibits Congress from infringing on the people’s right to keep and bear arms; and |
Whereas: |
2021 has already seen some of the most dangerous proposed federal gun laws that we’ve ever seen, with S.292 just the latest attack on the Second Amendment; and |
Whereas: |
With over 20,000 gun control laws already in existence, it is clear that no amount of new restrictions will stop tragedies that happen when criminals use guns to commit tragic mass shootings; and |
Whereas: |
So-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders penalize law-abiding citizens and even put their lives and property at risk while shredding the Bill of Rights in the process. |
Therefore: |
I demand you OPPOSE S.292, the Red Flag Gun Confiscation scheme, when it comes to a vote! |