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My U.S. Representative

I am writing to insist you vote “NO!” on any gun control deal that reaches the floor of Congress, including so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation (H.R. 1236) schemes, arbitrary limits on magazines (H.R. 1186), or denying Americans their Second Amendment rights for misdemeanors (H.R. 2708).

The fact is, these so-called “solutions” to mass shootings won’t work. The ONLY way to stop a bloodthirsty madman with a gun is if good people are armed and ready to fight back.

Therefore, as your constituent, I urge you to vote against any gun control deal that reaches the floor of Congress.

Whereas: The statists in Washington, D.C. know the last roadblock standing in their way to fulfilling their Orwellian dream for America is the Second Amendment; and
Whereas: No amount of failed gun control policies will stop mass shootings from happening; and
Whereas: So-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders, “Universal Background Checks” (a de facto national gun registry), “black gun bans,” and other gun control schemes are about seizing more power for the state and gaining control over every aspect of our lives; and
Whereas: The National Gun Control Lobby and their pals in the media are ramping up the pressure for a “deal” on gun control ahead of the November 2020 elections; and
Therefore: As your constituent, I insist you vote “NO!” on any gun control deal that reaches the floor of Congress.