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Stop The Sneaky Kansas Gun Grabbers!

Insiders in the Kansas State Legislature are telling us that gun grabbers will once again try to bypass normal procedures to pass gun control, by offering amendments on the floor to otherwise good legislation.

Many of the gun-grabbers who voted badly on gun control amendments are still in the Kansas Legislature!

Sign your petition below demanding your legislators OPPOSE all dangerous gun control legislation.


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Petition to my Kansas State Legislators

Whereas: Sneaky gun grabbers have, in the past, nearly succeeded at amending good bills with bad gun control, trying to force legislators to vote for these hidden gun grabs in otherwise good bills, and
Whereas: In a previous session, gun control advocates in the Kansas Senate NEARLY passed an amendment to impose a three-day waiting period on gun purchases, and
Whereas: These same legislators NEARLY PASSED an amendment to repeal Constitutional Carry in Kansas, and
Whereas: An amendment to repeal Campus Carry very nearly passed, which would have victimized vulnerable college student populations, and
Whereas: Another amendment to ban “bump stocks” in Kansas was only one vote shy of passing.
Therefore: be it resolved that, 
We the people of Kansas demand the Kansas Legislature OPPOSE ALL attempts to pass dangerous gun control legislation.