Investigate and Impeach Attorney General Merrick Garland

Attorney General Merrick Garland has weaponized the Department of Justice as his personal political police force.

Now, multiple whistleblowers and witnesses are coming forward, just after Garland’s DOJ has indicted former President and 2024 Biden rival Donald Trump, revealing that Merrick Garland suppressed criminal cases against the President’s son, Hunter Biden, in which the President himself may be implicated.

This is a blatant abuse of the justice system and interference in the 2024 presidential election.

Tell the House of Representatives right now: investigate Merrick Garland’s role in suppressing the Hunter Biden probe and, if the allegations are true, impeach Merrick Garland.

After you sign, please consider making a contribution. You can contribute online, or by mail if you prefer to PO Box 104, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 or call 703-865-7162.

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“Investigate and IMPEACH Merrick Garland!”

Whereas: Merrick Garland has systematically abused the Department of Justice for overtly political purposes; and

Whereas: Whistleblowers and eyewitnesses have come forward alleging Merrick Garland suppressed serious criminal cases against Hunter Biden that likely implicate President Joe Biden, while simultaneously pressing criminal charges against a leading rival of Joe Biden in the upcoming election; and

Whereas: This would constitute obstruction of justice, willful neglect of duty, and interference in a federal election;

Therefore: I demand you INVESTIGATE these allegations and if true, IMPEACH MERRICK GARLAND.


(Sign your name)