Get Involved Locally Survey Get Involved Locally Survey With all the assaults on personal liberty coming from local governments and boards, people are really starting to get involved to fight back! We Campaign for Liberty are interested to know about your desire to get involved locally to defend liberty from petty tyrants. Please rate your thoughts below. Thank you in advance for your participation. Ron QUESTION 1: Would you consider running for local office or a local board to defend the principles of personal liberty and fiscal responsibility in your area?Hidden YES! NO QUESTION 2: Would you consider running for local office or a local board to defend the principles of personal liberty and fiscal responsibility in your area? Hidden YES! NO QUESTION 3: Would you show up and recruit others to attend council and board meetings to hold politicians accountable?Hidden YES! NO Almost Done! Thanks for sticking with and completing your survey. Your Campaign for Liberty has been on the front lines facing down all the freedom-destroying plans that were launched by the political class in D.C. and have found their way to the local level. These fights have come at a tremendous cost, so won't you please consider a rush donation of $8 or more today? LAST QUESTION: Will you support our efforts today by pitching in at least $8? YES, I'll pitch in $8! YES, I'll pitch in even more! Δ