Federal Reserve Opinion Poll Federal Reserve Opinion Poll Step 1 of 2 0% Whether Fed banksters under-react or over-react, the Fed's blind-folded meddling in our economy means it's almost certain they'll miss the mark when it comes to what they think is happening. As you and I have seen time and time again, central planning ultimately ends in disaster -- just look at what happened in 2008 and the last Great Recession caused by Fed attempts to control economic activity.Do you agree with the Fed's recently announced cuts? Yes, I trust the Central Bankers No NO WAY! We must Audit and End the Fed before they cause another catastrophe Thanks for completing my Federal Reserve Opinion Poll. Your Campaign for Liberty is committed to standing strong in our fight to Audit the Fed. And with 2020 bearing down like a freight train, we’re really stretching our budget right now. The best way you can help ensure your Campaign for Liberty is always prepared to FIGHT BACK against Big Government bankster power grabs, is by joining C4L’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program.Will you consider supporting our efforts today by pitching in with a recurring $10 monthly commitment? YES, I'll pitch in $10 per month! YES, I'll pitch in even more! No, but I'll donate one time today! Email Δ