The Supreme Court’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME sent shockwaves through government sector unions, including one of the nations’ most powerful, the teachers unions.
By prohibiting the union bosses from forcibly withholding dues or fees from employee’s paychecks, government sector unions’ political power will be dramatically weakened.
As you know, teachers unions have long been the chief defender of the failing, Big Government status quo in education.
That means the Janus ruling has thrown open the door to education reforms that are long overdue –– including abolishing the Department of Education!
It’s time to capitalize on this opportunity to End Fed Ed and finally get the job done!
If you agree, please sign your “END FED ED” petition below, and agree to your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $10 or $25 TODAY!
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
Chairman, Campaign for Liberty
Whereas: | Congress created the federal Department of Education in 1979 despite lacking constitutional authority over K-12 education; and |
Whereas: | In the 38 years since the department’s creation, federal funding on K-12 education has increased by approximately 120 percent, yet the American education system continues to decline; and |
Whereas: | The vast majority of federal dollars received by states is not used for education, but rather, to pay for compliance with rules, regulations, and bureaucracy created by the federal Department of Education; and |
Whereas: | The Department uses federal funds to bribe local school districts to obey federal mandates, even if those mandates conflict with the desires of parents and/or the needs of schoolchildren; and |
Whereas: | The administrations of both parties have tried and failed to improve education via reforms such as “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core.” |
Therefore: | I urge you to cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on Representative Thomas Massie’s H.R. 899 to eliminate the Department of Education. |