The Secret Service FAILED. One American died, two were critically injured, and former President Trump was nearly assassinated.

You and I must DEMAND a complete, transparent, and independent investigation into the inexplicable, inexcusable failures that allowed this to happen.

P.S. After signing, please consider a donation to Campaign for Liberty. Thank you. You can contribute online, or by mail if you prefer to PO Box 104, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 or call 703-865-7162.

We Demand a Real Investigation!

Petition to my U.S. Representative and Senators

Whereas: The most basic element of event security is securing the area, and
Whereas: On July 13, the Secret Service allowed a would-be assassin to enter what should have been a secure area armed with a rifle, resulting in the near death of the former president and candidate for President, Donald J. Trump, as well as killing one and critically injuring two innocent Americans; and
Whereas: This is the worst security failure in the history of the U.S. Secret Service since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy;
Therefore: I call upon you to demand a complete, thorough, transparent, impartial, and HONEST investigation, conducted outside of the Department of Homeland Security, of the security failures of July 13.
  • Sign my Directive: