COMMONSENSE & CORE VALUES Citizens’ Directive 03.20

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Citizens’ Directive

As a liberty loving American, I understand America will not last long if our elected officials abandon commonsense and the principles of liberty that brought this nation through peril time and time again.

It’s unacceptable for elected officials to pay lip service to these principles only to abandon them at the slightest hint of panic.

This nation is on a dangerous path to total kleptocracy and authoritarianism as Big Government statists go all-out to use this crisis to consolidate more power and more perks for themselves and their well-connected cronies.

That’s why I’m directing my U.S. Representative, Senators, and President Trump to reverse course and return to the principles of liberty, sound money, and constitutionally limited government that brought this nation through peril time and time again.

CITIZENS’ DIRECTIVE TO: my U.S. Representative,
U.S. Senators, and President Trump

*** The principles of liberty brought this nation through peril time and time again.

*** America will not last long if our elected officials abandon commonsense and the principles of liberty.

No emergency should supersede Americans’
fundamental constitutional rights!

Therefore, I insist you reverse course and return to the principles of liberty, sound money, and constitutionally limited government that brought this nation through peril time and time again!