AMERICAN GUN CONTROL SURVEY AMERICAN GUN CONTROL SURVEY Earlier this year, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8, a bill to require so-called “Universal Background Checks.” This poll-tested euphemism is little more than a codeword for Nationwide Gun Registration, which many believe is just the first step toward outright confiscation of firearms from law-abiding gun owners. In addition to a growing number of congressional Republicans, virtually every congressional Democrat and presidential candidate has expressed support for this scheme.QUESTION #2: Do you oppose calls for nationwide gun registration? Yes No Undecided Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) eagerly announced a deal with Senate Democrats to bribe states with taxpayer-dollars to enact so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders before the details of the El Paso and Dayton shootings were even fully known. These orders would allow gun owners to be stripped of their Second Amendment rights without due process through secret court proceedings.QUESTION #3: Do you oppose states enacting so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders? Yes No Undecided The mainstream media is doing their best to convince President Trump and congressional Republicans to reinstate the Feinstein Gun Ban, which would ban all sorts of semi-automatic firearms – including rifles, shotguns, and pistols simply because they look “scary” or accept magazines that hold more than just a handful of rounds. QUESTION #4: Do you oppose Congress reinstating the Feinstein Gun Ban? Yes No Undecided Gun-grabbers in BOTH parties are eager to ram through every item on the Gun Control Lobby’s radical agenda when Congress returns in September. The only thing that can stop them is Campaign for Liberty’s members and supporters cranking up the pressure on Congress like never before. QUESTION #5: Will you support our efforts today by pitching in at least $7? YES, I'll pitch in $7! YES, I'll pitch in even more! Δ