Supporter Ballot

Please answer each question. Thank you for casting your ballot and for your continued support!


Under each option, rate the importance of Campaign for Liberty fighting this issue by selecting 1 to 5 stars, with 5 meaning this is a top priority.
Rand Paul's Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny Act would terminate expensive federal regulations that lack congressional approval. - I ADVISE C4L TO FOCUS ON THIS CRITICAL PROGRAM.
The CBDC would usher in a new currency that the government could spy on us with and control what we buy. This must be prevented - I ADVISE C4L TO FOCUS ON THIS CRITICAL PROGRAM.
Warrantless mass surveillance is an assault on the privacy, security, and constitutional rights of the American people and this program MUST be ended - I ADVISE C4L TO FOCUS ON THIS CRITICAL PROGRAM.
The National ID would give the government your biometric fingerprints and require you surrender to their screenings to fly or enter a federal bulding. We need to shut this down - I ADVISE C4L TO FOCUS ON THIS CRITICAL PROGRAM.
The Federal Reserve is behind most of our nation's economic problems, and they operate behind a shroud of secrecy. Now is the time to see what they are doing, and we can by passing Audit the Fed! - I ADVISE C4L TO FOCUS ON THIS CRITICAL PROGRAM.
The Covid tyrants want to use a global treaty to override the Constitution and create a global health police that would force Americans to submit to tyrannical health policies - I ADVISE C4L TO FOCUS ON THIS CRITICAL PROGRAM.
After submitting your Supporter Ballot, please consider a generous contribution to help your Campaign for Liberty fight the statists on all fronts and to ensure all critical programs are fully-funded in 2025. Thank you.